Winter Weather Risk Management Considerations

Leazar Hall, college of design, is framed by snow covered trees during a rare winter storm. Photo by Marc Hall
Happy New Year from the IRM Team! We are excited about 2023! The arctic blast over the Holiday break was a frigid start to the Winter season. We want to remind you of key winter weather risk management considerations.
- Know your employee classification, ensure others in your department are properly classified as mandatory or not, and that they know their classification
- Make sure you review and update departmental adverse weather plans / Pack Ready Plans and understand the University Adverse Weather Policy
- Portable heaters are not permitted in state-owned buildings. They pose a significant fire hazard. For further information please view the Fire & Life Safety Website
- Identify vulnerable equipment and check with facilities to ensure availability of back-up generators for needed areas
- Review emergency response procedures regarding Property damage – facilities contacts, maximum downtime for critical functions
- Check with facilities to ensure proper winter weather building maintenance – i.e. draining sprinkler systems to prevent frozen/burst pipes
- Report all Property damage incidents through the IRM Incident Portal