Renting A Vehicle

Rental vehicles are authorized for university business use only
There is a Statewide Term Contract for renting vehicles through Enterprise or National Car Rental. This contract is a convenience contract for state departments and most state agencies, and for state higher education institutions.
We realize you cannot always rent from Enterprise or National Car Rental due to their availability. However, consider reaching out to one of these companies first.
Statewide Term Business Travel Contract Account #NC53E01
- If you are renting from Enterprise or National Car Rental it is extremely important to use the contract Account #NC53E01.
- This account has billing options if authorized through the controller’s office. The employee is required to provide their Employee ID #, Department ID # and Project ID # at the time of reservation.
- Liability and physical damage rates are included on the rental when this business travel account number is applied to the rental agreement.
- This covers the rental vehicle for up to a total loss regarding physical damage and 3rd party claims up to $1 million
Helpful Links
Visit the University Controller’s Office to review the State Term Contract for Vehicle Rentals. Insurance and Risk Management website also has helpful information on rental vehicle insurance.
If you are reserving a vehicle with your PCard or personal credit card visit Enterprise & National Reservation link to make a reservation directly with either rental company.
If you are reserving a vehicle using the university’s direct bill account with Enterprise or National Car Rental, complete the State Term Contract Direct Bill Reservation Request